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Date: 13 February 2023 Monday 7:30pm
Venue: HK City Hall Concert Hall
A Romantic Rhapsody:
Original works by Liszt together with his remarkable arrangements of Bach’s organ music, Schubert Lieder, Donizetti opera and Beethoven’s Symphony No.5.
Franz Liszt (1811-1886), the original 19th Century musical superstar, gave more than 1,000 concerts in his life time. He was revered for his trailblazing, creative inspirations and invented the modern 'piano recital'.

Concert Trailer
Pre-concert Talk
A fireside chat between eminent pianists Mary Wu and Robin Zebaida, focusing on the works chosen in his Lisztomania programme. The conversation looks at other aspects of the composer's life, the origin of the term Lisztomania, and the astonishing array of musical and pianistic innovations for which Liszt was responsible.
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